Tuesday, May 12, 2015

ORiGAsMix!!! (a mild case of origami box fever)

Several designs are available for these origami boxes, depending on whether you want the lid and bottom to be the same and pretty simple, or a bit more complex with different possible folding patterns. You'll find them all easily on the internet, including neat videos and tutorials... You'll eventually need a little bit of maths at some point, in order to find the exact size of your paper sheets so a "plain" bottom perfectly matches a "complex" lid. It can be fun to get back to your old Pythagoras and try to sort things out! But enough talking: let's proceed...
Some family celebrations occasionally require special little boxes to be filled with special sweets...
Un(t)raveling proudly presents their unique set of twenty-eight origami box lids.
While the bottoms - not shown here - are made of one single folded square sheet of paper, the lids are made of four separate pieces fitting together in a series of different patterns... Do the maths: 28x4 are... 112 pieces to be cut, folded, then built together! And a very long shift for Wallis yesterday night, while Futuna was preparing the post just before this oneSo, which one do you like most? We might have one or two left by the end of the month... and it's always possible to fold a new one for a very merry un-birthdayAlso, one of these guys is not genuine. Futuna's horror vacui caused him to cheat: he photoshopped one single box in a different color combination and hide it among the others, so they all fill and fit the big picture. Wicked Futuna! If you find it, let us know: you'll win a unicum (no, dear Clara, not a unicorn...)!

* Note: there's now a sequel to the ORiGAsMix fever. Make sure you don't miss it...

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